Deep down you know what it takes to reach our goals. Wake up earlier, study harder, tighten up the diet, etc. You could do better. You just don’t stress it. Accomplishing personal goals can be difficult if you are not pressured to do so. A 6-month goal is now a 12-month goal, and all those great habits you read about seem to always wait until tomorrow. How do you avoid this? I hear many speakers give the same advice, “Find your why. It will always drive you in the right direction.” Examples are usually escaping poverty, improving your kids quality of life, etc. Not everyone has that concrete motive. Stay motivated to achieve your goals with these three tips.

Stay Motivated to Achieve Your Goals

Here are 3 principles that have helped me stay motivated.

1. Stay Motivated With Accountability

This is the secret sauce. To commit and continue we need an accountability factor. We don’t commit to avoid letting ourselves down. Apologizing to the mirror is too easy for that. We truly commit when others are expecting something from us. So, when you set out to accomplish a goal, tell someone close to you of your intent and the value it could bring. Now that others are holding you accountable, you have an obligation to deliver! It’s like a kickstart to stay motivated to achieve your goals.

This is who I did it for. I made a promise to [my grandma] and I stuck to it. I made
that promise, man. I told her I was going to go D-I. . . I was going to go to the NFL.
                                      – Takkarist McKinley – Falcons 2017 First Round Draft Pick

2. Escape Your Comfort Level

You may already have a great job, own a home, and built a strong support system. That’s Great! On the other hand, you’re not fulfilled and know you are capable of more. How many times have you told yourself, “Well, I’m not hurting for it. I have time.” We must escape the comfort level that life is providing. Contentment will always lead to procrastination and the lack of pursuing more.

I’m sure many of you are working or have worked at a job you didn’t like
or maybe you did like it, but wanted more. You stay because it’s safe. . .
You’re not successful, because that safety net is killing you. Eric Thomas

Promoting a brand or having any sort of heavy social media following is absolutely terrifying for me. I am an introvert who has always kept quiet. However, I committed to helping people find the information they need to be in great shape. So, when the time comes to promote,  I’m telling everyone I know.

Peace of mind: Uncomfortable or scary decisions confirm that I am headed in the right direction.

3. Find Your Gift  

I was told as a high school athlete that if I had committed to my physical training sooner, I may have had the chance to play college football. I have since graduated from college, have a job, a wife, and a home. You would think that I’ve gotten over that statement… Nope. After six years of replaying the conversation in my head, I finally realized the only way to fill that void is to make sure others dodge similar regret. I have obligated myself to help people get in shape so they can do what they love for as long as possible. That is what keeps me in front of this keyboard.

Staying motivated to achieve a goal does not require catastrophe or tough circumstance. You need to find the one thing that you deeply connect with on an emotional level and find a way to serve others through it. 

No More Excuses

We are likely to put time and energy into something that we have an emotional connection to. The deadlines we set for ourselves are too easily changed depending on our mood or circumstance. However, when those we intend to serve are holding us to high standards, procrastination is replaced with obligation and we are motivated to do what is expected of us.